Saturday, July 19, 2008

hurry up and wait for NBCOT

Anyone have to wait and wait for NBCOT to process the paperwork to be able to take this test and actually start my "new career". It seems as if it is the old cliche of "hurry up and wait". I just feel like after all this time (I've been in school since 1999 between undergrad and grad school) I want to get down and dirty and start helping people - the whole reason I went back to school.
On a brighter note, although research was long, rigorous and I felt as if it would never be published, I want to do more. In looking for credible research this afternoon, it is limited. There are some articles talking about adults with developmental disabilities and their leisure pursuits but mostly from Canada. I am especially interested in the effects of disability on a person in two different aspects:
1) when a person is born with a disability (either physical or cognitive) and or is affected by it from an early age as opposed to
2) when someone acquires a disability (whether physical or cognitive)

Just an idea - if you have any thoughts I would love to hear them - let me know what you think.

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